Monday, August 6, 2007

Is Jermaine Good Enough?

Jermaine O'Neal wants to be a Laker. Jermaine "Injury Prone" O'Neal wants to be a Laker. I am literally at a loss for words. Is this a good thing? Will it be enough to keep Kobe? Would Jermaine coming make us a contender? Yes, maybe, and sadly no. Jermaine O'Neal wanting to be a Laker means the Lakers will improve and will move in a positive direction. I first thought this will not be enough to keep Kobe in L.A..I originally thought the only player that could keep Kobe Bryant in a Laker uniform was Kevin Garnett. Jermaine O'Neal is a poor man's Kevin Garnett, but is that enough? Jermaine O'Neal claims that he has been communicating with Kobe Bryant all summer about getting him in a Laker uniform. Jermaine and Kobe have had a tight relationship through the years and maybe that can convert into chemistry on the court. Jermaine O'Neal does not make the Lakers contenders no matter what the trade scenario. Jermaine O'Neal is not enough. Not to mention his injury problems over the last two years. Don't get me wrong, Jermaine O'Neal is a very good player, but to take this team to the next level he'll have to show me something I've never seen from him. I'm just confused about this. I'll have to see what happens.

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