Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It's Over

The Boston Celtics have acquired Kevin Garnett. The hope train has just been derailed. We all thought we had a chance to get KG. Once again we placed the fate of our organization in Mitch Kupchak's hands. The Celtics traded 7 players to acquire Kevin Garnett, an NBA record for one player. Boston sent the Minnesota Timberwolves forwards Al Jefferson, Ryan Gomes and Gerald Green, guard Sebastian Telfair and center Theo Ratliff, two first-round draft picks and cash considerations. The Celtics acquired Ray Allen on draft night and now have acquired KG. I know what you're asking yourselves Laker fans: Where the HELL are we in all of this?! Right now Kobe Bryant is having a complete and total mental meltdown. While Kobe Bryant has been begging for the Lakers to acquire at least one complementary superstar, the hated Celtics have given Paul Pierce two of the best in the NBA. Oh how the tables have turned. Paul Pierce's career was taking a turn for the worst. He was on a losing team and was injury prone. Then just like that he is an instant favorite to come out of the Eastern Conference. The Lakers organization has just come crashing down to the ground. There is not many available moves out there to make the Lakers credible, relevant, and/or respectable. Mark my words: Kobe Bryant will not be in a Laker uniform next season. If somehow Kobe Bryant remains a Los Angeles Laker it will be the most grueling hard to watch season the Lakers have had in years. But the Lakers did make a free agent acquisition today. The Lakers signed Coby Karl. Coby Karl!!! What the HELL has happened to the Lakers management.
But enough complaining. Congratulations to Kevin Garnett. He deserves this. He has been in the league so long and has been losing almost his entire career. I wish him luck playing with Paul Pierce and Ray Allen. As to Kobe: hang in there. To Mitch Kupchak is say: get off your lazy ass and do your damn job! You are not the GM of the Orlando Magic, you are the GM of the world renown Los Angeles Lakers and you need to start acting like it. These are some pretty dark times for us Laker fans, but it ain't over.

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