Saturday, July 28, 2007

Say Goodbye to Smush!!!

Smush Parker has signed with the Miami Heat. Smush Parker's averages for the Lakers these past two years were 11.3 points, 3.2 assists, 1.6 steals and 32 minutes. These numbers are very deceiving. Smush Parker should not start at point guard on any NBA team. Smush Paker is and always will be a bum. Smush is a bum. If it wasn't for Kwame Brown, Smush Parker would lead the Lakers in mental mistakes. So farewell Smush. I hope you and Shaq win about 20 games next year and stay home during the playoffs. You are nothing but a pouter, who has the IQ of a guinea pig. We are happy with Javaris Crittenton, Jordan Farmar, and of course Derek "D-Fish" Fisher. You aren't worthy of donning a Laker uniform. Punk.

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