Friday, July 13, 2007

Welcome Back

Guess who's back? D-Fish BABY!!! Derek Fisher asked the Utah Jazz to release him so he can move to a city with hospitals that treat a rare eye cancer that his 1-year old daughter has. My thoughts and prayers go out to him and I'd like to welcome him back. What does this mean? Sasha Vujacic won't get any playing time this year. Smush Parker will not be in a Laker uniform next year. Sadly Javaris Crittenton will not have a productive rookie season due to lack of playing time. But at the same time I'm sure the Lakers can figure this point-guard situation in a trade for KG. Wishful thinking? Who cares. D-Fish is a solid point-guard that Kobe enjoys to play with, Phil Jackson enjoys to coach, and knows the triangle offense. Imagine a starting lineup of Fisher,Kobe,Walton,Garnett, and Kwame Brown. Not bad. Welcome back D-Fish. I hope your daughter gets well.

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